
pyLDAvis Topic Modeling Visualization

date_range 01/11/2022 21:34

Sentiment Analysis with BERT

date_range 21/07/2021 23:34

Welcome to the "Sentiment Analysis with BERT Presentation" for Seminar: Werkzeuge und Methoden der Digital Humanities. Thanks for being here !! 🙂

Creative Adversarial Network(CAN) Presentation

date_range 07/07/2021 21:34

Welcome to the "Creative Adversarial Network(CAN) Presentation" for Seminar: Stylistics, Stylometry, and Models of Emotion. Thanks for being here !! 🙂

Emotion and Authorship Presentation

date_range 06/07/2021 21:34

Welcome to the "Emotion and Authorship Presentation" for Seminar: Digitale Literaturanalyse - Basistechnologien. Thanks for being here !! 🙂

Multimodality in Comics

date_range 30/06/2021 14:34

Welcome to the presentation of the topic "Reading Images. Comics and its Multimodality in Cultural Communication, Interpretation and Translation" for Seminar: Texte als Bilder - Bilder als Texte. Multimodalität von der Antike bis heute. Thanks for being here !! 🙂